The Sign of the Times are the Vines


Contributor: Bud Reaves Invasive vines are colorful and decorative plants that are often used for ornamental purposes for their showy flowers and colorful, sometimes uniquely shaped fruit. They have a downside however, as many invade forested habitats where they can severely limit the growth of, or even kill, trees and shrubs. Fall is a great […]

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Thousand Cankers Disease Reappears in Maryland

Walnut Twig Beetle

Contributor: Dr. Ramesh R. Pokharel, Plant Disease Specialist, Maryland Department of Agriculture, ANNAPOLIS, MD (August, 2019) – Thousand cankers disease (TCD) is a complex problem in walnuts, Juglans spp., caused by the fungus Geosmithia morbida and transmitted by walnut twig beetle (WTB), Pityophthorus juglandis. The beetles tunnel under tree bark and introduce the fungus, […]

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MISC Meeting – July 18, 2019

agriculture history farm park

Maryland Invasive Species Council – Next Meeting Thursday, July 18 2019 | 9:30 AM to 12 PM LOCATION: Agricultural History Farm Park18410 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD 20855 MISC meetings are open to the public. Remaining scheduled MISC meetings in 2019: September 19, 2019 – field trip meeting. November 21, 2019 – last meeting of 2019. AGENDA – […]

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Teaming up to Tackle Two-horned Trapa: A Highly Invasive New Species of Water Chestnut

Trapa sp

ANNAPOLIS, MD (July 1, 2019) – Eurasian water chestnut (Trapa natans) has been present in the United States since the 1880s and is a well-known invasive species.  In 2014, a new introduction of a relative of T. natans was discovered in northern Virginia. It was recognized as new by fruits that have 2 horns in […]

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Pray for the prey of the praying mantis

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Contributor: Bud Reaves, Anne Arundel Forestry Board Mantises are one of the most ferocious predators in the animal kingdom. Able to capture and kill prey much larger than themselves, they have adapted into efficient, ruthless hunters and are valuable in the control of insect pests. However, Maryland has three species of exotic mantises, which may […]

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Toil and Trouble: Weed Risk Assessment


Contributors: Kerrie Kyde and Sylvan KaufmanFor more information, contact: MD Department of Agriculture- Plant Protection and Weed Management, Over the course of two days in early March, 30 volunteers toiled, argued, and persevered through the process of assessing three different plant species for invasiveness. They dug up peer-reviewed papers, unearthed state government reports, scrolled […]

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MISC Meeting – March 21, 2019

United States National Agricultural Library e1519532857950

Thursday, March 21 2019 | 9:30 AM to 12 PM National Agricultural Library Abraham Lincoln Building 10301 Baltimore Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705 MISC meetings are open to the public. From Lane Heimer, MISC Facilitator: The March 21, 2019 Meeting will be held at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, MD and have the same speakers and […]

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Tiny beetle, giant impact.

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Contributor: Aaron Shurtleff, Maryland Department of Agriculture, The khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) is a small beetle in the family Dermestidae.  It feeds on a wide variety of dried plant and animal products, but its main target is stored grains, such as rice, wheat, and barley.  Khapra beetle is one of the most destructive pests […]

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Invasive Vinca, Rhymes with “Stinka”

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Contributor: Jil Swearingen, Invasive Species Consultant, While there are a number of native evergreen groundcovers in Maryland, you’re likely to see large patches of non-native evergreen plants covering the ground this time of year in our parks and natural areas. Most common among these are English ivy (Hedera helix), winter creeper (Euonymus fortunei), ground ivy […]

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