Contact: Marc Imlay, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) | Chair, Bio-Control Working Group of the Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant Council (MAIPC) | Cell: (301) 442-5657 | ANNAPOLIS, MD (January 1, 2014) Our tool kit for successful control of non-native invasive plants includes preventing new invasive species from coming in from Europe, Asia, and other continents; manual […]
Invader of the Month
Spotting the Spotted-Wing Drosophila
Contact: Stanton Gill, IPM and Entomology Specialist, University of Maryland Extension | | ELLICOTT CITY, MD (October 1, 2013). Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, is an invasive, destructive pest, originating from Southeast Asia. It has recently been found in Maryland infesting blackberries and raspberries. SWD’s appearance in Maryland is why the Maryland […]
Zebra Mussel
Contact: Ronald Klauda, Maryland DNR | 410-260-8615 | ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 15, 2013) – The zebra mussel, a small freshwater mollusk native to southern Russia and the Caspian Sea, was first discovered in North America in June 1988, in Lake St. Clair. Since this inadvertent introduction, zebra mussels have spread as far west in […]
Exotic Snails
Contact: Dick Bean, Maryland Department of Agriculture | ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 8, 2013) – Exotic and alien species arrive in the US daily. Whether they are brought in intentionally or accidentally makes little difference; the end result can be the same – new introduced pests with potential to cause serious impacts on agriculture, the […]
Chronic Wasting Disease
Brian Eyler | Maryland DNR | ANNAPOLIS, MD (January 1, 2013) – Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is one of several diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSE’s. Scrapie in sheep, mad cow disease (BSE), and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in humans, are also TSE’s. While humans can contract vCJD from eating BSE-infected beef, […]
Classroom Pets and Projects
Katie ten Hagen | ANNAPOLIS, MD (September 20, 2012) – Many people have fond memories of raising some sort of classroom “pet,” be it butterflies, frogs, fish, hermit crabs, or “regular” pets like hamsters or gerbils. Watching a plant or animal go through its entire lifecycle is incredibly fascinating and can be an invaluable […]
Biological Control Agent for Mile-a-Minute Weed
Contact: Robert Trumbule, Maryland Department of Agriculture | ANNAPOLIS, MD (August 20, 2012) – Mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata(L.) H. Gross, is an annual Asian vine that has invaded a variety of habitats in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic states. First discovered in southeastern Pennsylvania in the mid-1930’s, it has since spread to as many as […]
Clean Your Gear
Contact: Jay Kilian, Maryland Department of Natural Resources | 410-260-8617 ANNAPOLIS, MD (July 11, 2012) – Summer is here and it is time to dust off that kayak, pull the waders out of that closet, put a new coat of wax on that boat, inflate the tires on that trailer, and string up some new […]
Boxwood Blight
Contacts:Karen Rane, University of Maryland Plant Diagnostic Lab | rane@umd.eduDave Clement, University of Maryland Extension | All boxwoods (Buxus species) are susceptible to boxwood blight, although some variation in disease severity among cultivars has been reported. In addition, Sarcococca (sweet box) and Japanese pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) have been infected under laboratory conditions. There are other boxwood diseases that might […]
Kudzu Bug
Contact: Mary Kay Malinoski, University of Maryland Extension | ANNAPOLIS, MD (May 14, 2012) – The kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria, is also known as the bean plataspid, lablab bug, or globular stink bug. It was first discovered near Atlanta Georgia in 2009 and has since spread to South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, and one county on […]