A Very Serious Menace

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Contact: Don R. Robbins | 410-841-5920 ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 2, 2003) – Beware of the Giant Hogweed, a giant perennial plant named by the Maryland Invasive Species Council(MISC) as April’s “Invader of the Month.” While interesting for its unusually large size and flower, the Giant Hogweed is on the federal noxious weed list because of […]

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Non-Native Insect Threatens Health of Popular and Beneficial Trees

Hemlock woolly adelgid

Contact: Robert H. Tichenor, Maryland Department of Agriculture | 410-841-5920 ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 13, 2003) – A small insect from eastern Asia is severely impacting Maryland’s hemlocks, an important evergreen tree. The hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae, native to China and Japan, is a serious threat to the health and sustainability of hemlocks in eastern North […]

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